Our company was established in 1995 and it exclusively deals with natural stones, which have mainly natural cleft surface.
The legal title of the company is Natural Stones Export – Import Paris Stathopoulos..
When the millennium changed we got the discrete title PANGEA, which comes from the ancient-Greek expression pan-gea. It is the scientific definition for every single soil in earth millions years ago before they had been gradually separated into our known continents.
At the end of 2000 we transferred our activities such as offices, storehouses etc in our new owned stockyard of (10.000m2) in Agios Vasilios near the city of Thessaloniki. There in 2.000m2 open area we have build our first garden showroom.
There in 2.000m2 open area we have build our first garden showroom.
In 2006
we enlarged our stockyard area by 6.000m2
In February 2007 PANGEA starts a new garden park exhibition (1.500m2) inside the city of Thessaloniki.
In both open-air exhibitions visitors may walk through small garden units with different design and materials applied. They can touch all natural stones from various kinds-countries-colors-selections and be introduced in the world of stones.
PANGEAis exporting till 1995 all kinds of greek slates in different selections (flagstones, machine and hand cut paving as well as wall cladding, roofing slabs, etc.), as well as landscaping stones and pebbles to various countries all over the world.

Naturalstones bring us closer to the nature.
It helps us to forget the cement’s aesthetics and the way of living in the impersonal cruel city.
It inspires us to remember our companies in green full of very clear water yards to think about our next escape into traditional villages, hills, mountains, seashores and riverbeds.
If we go there we will surely admire a piece of stone with the unique shapes and colors.
We consider ourselvesvery lucky to be preoccupied with the stone.
That’s why for a decade or so we invest with love and ardent desire to:
- The knowledge and the promotion of this “lively” object
- The steady and long – lasting collaborations with quarries and other productive units
- The serious and energetic contributors in Greece and abroad.
We are trying to:
- Give the exact information related to characteristics, resistance, shades as well as the fitting of different types.
- Maintain a sufficient and needed quantity of the most demanding types.
- Assure the demanding quantities in the least time but the best quality.
To helpour customers with ideas and solutions personally.
You have an idea? We supply you the appropriate stone!
Do you feel Creative?
Πάρις Σταθόπουλος